A downloadable game

Backtrace Implementation: https://delinquent.sp.backtrace.io/p/SepJam21/

Game Synopsis:

Your entire team has called off sick on the day of your new article releases.

People are complaining of "Fake News" and it is now up to you to ensure that the correct knowledge is reliably shared to the public.

Perform actions like answer customer complaints, respond to interviews, etc. to maintain your intellectual integrity.

While actions await your attention, your integrity will slowly drop, and if you let your potential actions go unanswered for too long, you will miss the opportunity to complete them.

The quicker you get to your actions, the more integrity you gain.

See how long you can last....


SickDayScramble.zip 245 MB

Install instructions

Download, Unzip, and Enjoy!

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